This past week we had York House School from Vancouver volunteering for the week. It was a great week, the students worked very hard and found great success in everything they did! Mornings were spent on more physical tasks such as painting and sanding, while in the afternoon the focus was on programming for the […]
York House School Volunteer Trip • Part I
This week at Project Somos we have York House School from Vancouver visiting. With 12 students and 2 teachers, they are working hard! With jobs varying from painting, filling in a trench, sanding the bamboo in the playground, to working in the kitchen or in the preschool. In the afternoon, the majority of the students […]
Let Yourself Trust – Volunteer Trip February 2016
This past week our dear friends Marytn & Justine, of Let Yourself Trust returned to Project Somos one year later, from their visit in January 2015. This time, they came with 22 volunteers who have raised money for, and to build, our music/art/culture dome! This will be our second building in our Learning Campus at Project Somos! […]