Today the baby girls are eating their first solids. They are six months old. Mama arrived here at Project Somos when the babies were three months old. She wasn’t producing enough milk for the twins. We supplemented the mamas’ milk with formula. Most importantly, during the last three months we have been getting healthy food into mama and she is drinking smoothies with moringa daily.
What is moringa? Moringa, or “tree of life” is an amazing tree which grows in sub-tropical areas where malnutrition is often prevalent. It is said that as well being full of nutritional value, moringa can prevent diseases. The leaves are packed full of vitamin C, calcium, vitamin A, potassium and protein. Moringa is also known to increase milk production. The Mayans have known about moringa for a long, long time, but as is often the way, these natural solutions are discarded or forgotten when new things come along.
Use of moringa dates back as far as 150 BC in India. It’s uses have been shared and passed down amongst different societies for centuries. The benefits of moringa are being remembered and re-introduced to Guatemalans. Radio advertisements share the benefits over the airways. Moringa is once again becoming used to boost nutrition and help with milk production (it is also called “Mother’s Best Friend”).

This mama and her babies are doing well. Mama’s milk supply has increased, use of formula has decreased and now the girls are eating solids! They started today with avocado and love it! Avocado is a great “super-food” to start babies on. Unfortunately, here in Guatemala some mamas have been told it isn’t good for babies and they weren’t offering it. So sad, since avocados grow everywhere around here and are packed full of goodness for babies! These little ones are well on their way to a healthy life and that warms our hearts!
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Project Somos
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