For lack of a better word, we have found some peace! For the first time, in I don’t know how long, it feels peaceful here at Project Somos.

A month ago we officially began our afternoon programming with the kids. From 1pm-5pm each weekday we have programs for our kids. We found teacher, Rafaela Surec and have hired her to oversee this. We have divided the kids into four groups; Group 1 (three 8-10 year olds), Group 2 (three 6 year olds) Group 3 (four 4-5 year olds) and Group 4 (four 3 year olds). Rafaela works with the older kids doing tutoring, two of our moms are leading groups and we have a local young woman helping with one of the groups as well.
Rafaela oversees the weekly programming and helps get each group rolling. Each goes to a different location and does reading, crafts, puzzles, play time, etc. We are anxiously waiting for the completion of our Music/Art/Culture Dome so that we can start using those two spaces to use as well. At this time, we use both of the houses while the “felting Mamas” go to the Community Hall to do their work.

Back to this peace I referred to. For the past two years we have desperately tried to get the moms more engaged with their kids. Instead, we have been putting out one fire after another; battles between moms, parenting challenges, unhappy kids with no limits, etc. It feels like we are so often working to find harmony. And now? Now, when I wander to the five different locales, I find happy engaged kids, I find two moms that are in their element doing crafts and playing with their little “charges”. I find the other four moms listening to music, laughing and felting together.

Our two eldest girls both attend the local school and were struggling with homework. Both of their mamas are illiterate. Now, Rafaela tutors them daily and they are feeling much more positive about attending school. Rather than constantly struggling.
These are the early days and I know challenges will arise but I really feel we’ve figured out a major piece of the puzzle! We are SO grateful to all who donate to Project Somos to make this type of programming possible. Peace is a very, very good thing!
Heather Alicia
Such a perfect solution! The children get what they need, and each mama has the opportunity to develop potential vocational skills.
Thank You Heather,
I enjoyed reading about the Project Somos. I hope to gather more friends to realize the importance of the work You All do there. Bless Your Hearts!
Hi Heather and Greg,
I can’t believe it has been two years since Chenoa and I visited. I think of you all very often. My living room is now purple and yellow with many colourful pillows and pieces of fabric. (I told you I would do it!) It connects me aesthetically to my time in Guatemala, and a piece of my heart will always be there. I hope that I can return with both of my daughters in another couple of years.
I am so glad to hear that you have attained this level of peace in the daily running of the project. Perhaps you have now turned a corner, and it will be smoother sailing from here on. Maybe you needed to have a certain number of pieces in place for this kind of stability to be present. More families may lessen the interpersonal intensity between the mamas, and more services spread the workload so you two don’t burn out. I hope it is a new sort of beginning, allowing the project to flourish and become what you had envisioned all along.
Much love,