On March. 12th, Project Somos lost one of its biggest supporters.
Denis Knox, father of Heather Knox (Co-Founder & Country Director), was one of the founding members of the Project. He was a board member for 13 years and a volunteer for 16 years. Since 2011, Denis spent a total of ten months at the Project!
He poured his heart into Project Somos right from day one. While at the Project he won the hearts and love of all the staff and the children. The entire Somos family mourns his passing, along with so many others.
Denis was fondly given the title of “SVP”; overseeing much of the SANDING, VARNISHING and PAINTING while at the Project. He launched and ran the Somos “Tuck Shop” (canteen) when visiting volunteer groups were here. He was host to many of those groups. While here, he never sat still, always assisting where he could.
Denis is survived by his partner Sheila, children; Heather (Greg), Steve (Robin), Heidi (Rod) and stepdaughter, Meghan (Jeremy). He had six grandchildren and on January 30th became a great grandfather. Denis also had many “adopted” children who called him Dad/Papa and many adopted grandchildren that called him “abuelo”. His passing leaves a huge hole in the hearts of so many.

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