Every Thursday our little group gathers to visit, drink tea and review the work from the past week and to look ahead at the next week. Our mamas have been producing needle-felted products since last May. For Ana and Tita, that is 14 months. For Antonieta, it has been nine months. And for Myra, it has been a week.

As of a month ago, Tita took the leadership role on the felting. Ana is now in charge of anything food related. Antonieta is our head honcho in charge of overseeing the cleaning. The mamas, nervous at first at the extra responsibility, are rising to the challenge of leading a “department” and in my opinion, are doing great. And now they know what it feels like to work at being a good and kind boss. Because they get a taste of what it feels like to be “bossed” by the other mamas, they think carefully on how best to lead.

Since we started producing needle-felted figures and ornaments, their work has really evolved. All initial work was very simple and very child-like. And now? We are getting more and more sophisticated. We still play around, trying out different ideas and then deciding if they will work in the “market place”. Everyone has their own favourite figures/pieces to make. Antonieta likes making the birds and her birds have really “grown up” since she first started. Tita loves making the little dolls atop baubles and Ana enjoys making the snowman faces. Myra has caught on really quickly and seems happy to be engaged and working. We can never underestimate the healing that happens when people create and make art.

Thanks to our Social Enterprise Committee back in Vancouver, we are exploring different markets where we can distribute our products. Last October during our annual Grand Fiesta, we successfully sold over 200 pieces! When we were back in April all of the mamas’ bears sold out and many birds and earrings were sold.

Every week the mamas have a list of work they are required to complete. They take their work seriously and fit it in throughout their day between cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and caring for children. One of the nice things about the felting is that it is easy to put down and pick up throughout the day. Each month the mamas get paid for their work. A portion is for their monthly personal expenses, the other portion goes into a savings account which they will have access to upon their departure. For all, it is the first bank account and savings they have ever had in their life.

As of last week, we have started this year’s Christmas collection. Back by popular demand, there will be snowmen, bears and baubles. We have some other

new and exciting designs we are currently working on. Keep an eye on online to get a peek in the coming weeks!
If you’d like to help us sell “Somos Mamas Felting” products, please let us know and we can hook you up!
On behalf of our mamas, thanks for buying our “felties”. You are helping each of these mamas build a brighter future for their families. Your purchase is very empowering and exciting for each of our mamas. And a special thanks to Carla in Edmonton for all her wooly support! xo
-Heather Alicia
Want to see how the mamas take the dirty raw wool and turn it into something beautiful? Check out this short video about the whole process!
What a wonderful home-based enterprise.
Ten Thousand Villages in Canada would love these! They run a huge Christmas craft fair throughout November with fair trade and ethically sourced products. We have two year-round stores locally.