Gizmo has come and gone. I let him live with us for ten months. He showed up on the “finca” skinny, covered in mats and with broken twine tied around his neck and front paw, last June. We took him in and took care of him. He became part of our pack.
Our pack is a pack of gals but we all still loved the boy. He was a little goofy and a lot of fun. Like most male dogs, he raised his leg to pee. This did not impress my people when he peed on flower pots or toys.
He was a bit of an instigator with the other dogs. He’d get them all going and they’d charge kids or guests. This didn’t go over so well with my people. Or me. I like my people and I love our kids. We, as dogs are here to protect the kids not scare ‘em! I made the tough decision. He needed to find a more suitable home.
With the help of our friend Terri in Canada, Gizmo found new people of his own. My people tricked him into thinking the big crate with the comfy foamy was his new special “fort”. He thought this was the best. Then they took him to Guatemala City. He had to sleep in his fort in the back of the pick-up truck in the hotel parking lot. At one in the morning my people got up and took him for a run in the parking lot. He was as happy as could be. And then they took him for a car ride to the airport. At 3am they told him to go into his fort. They closed the door and sent him on his way. On an airplane!

Gizmo arrived at YVR in Vancouver on April 23rd. He was greeted at the airport by his new people; Bridget and Paul. They took him home to his new brother Kofi. Gizmo is super happy there. He and Kofi go for walks on the beach, in Lynn Valley and at all the local dog parks. Weirdly, he is living the life I used to have before I moved here to become the Somos Village Dog. I bet he hangs out at coffee shops on Main Street too!
We miss the boy. Especially Sparky. They were best buds. Some decisions are hard to make but somebody has to make them. As Dog #1 much of the responsibility falls on my shoulders.

We will always hold a special spot in our hearts for “Mr. Wiggle Butt”, aka Gizmo.

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