At the end of June I hosted my second Women’s Photography Retreat here at Project Somos. Once again, eight women photographers, of various levels, came and joined me here at Project Somos. Together, we learned, collaborated, taught and captured photos. We also ate yummy food, visited markets and shared lots of laughs and even some tears.
Lead by Kellie Bieser, we focused on building the Somos photo stock library and teaching basic photography to the children.
When you live in extreme poverty, photographs are a luxury item. You don’t have a camera to capture photos of your children growing up. There aren’t family portraits hanging on the wall. There are no photo albums in the home. Day to day, life is spent working to survive.
Since falling in love with photography, I have focused on capturing, printing and sharing photos with the kids and families we work with. I want them to see and know their value and feel love through photographs.
With the help of these amazing women, we were able to put cameras into the hands of all the kids over the four days everyone was here. Many thanks to all who were able to gather more donated point and shoots to share with the kids! And a huge thank you to those that donated the cameras!
During our week together, we had scavenger hunts, lessons on how to use a camera and we took and printed photos. It was a very special time for everyone. The kids basked in the love and attention of each of these wonderful women, who actually all are mamas. And one is even a grandma!
Since heading home, each of the photographers has been editing and uploading their photos from their time here. I LOVE seeing these photos. It is so incredible to see how each photographer captures the same place in so many different ways. As you’ll see, it truly is a very photogenic place!
I am so grateful to Kellie for her willingness and open heart to do these events at Project Somos. It truly feeds my soul. And I love each one these women and look forward to gathering together again soon!

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