Before coming to live in Guatemala almost four years ago, I had travelled to various countries like India, Peru, Mexico and Bolivia. I felt I had a strong sense of what poverty looked like, sounded like and smelled like. I didn’t consider myself naïve to the true despair of the abyss of extreme poverty. I […]
Guest Blogger – Gabi Dubland
I have now been at Project Somos for 3 weeks. This trip marks my third visit to Guatemala. The first visit for Christmas with my family in 2011. My second in 2013 for 4 months. Now for three months. Every trip has been completely different. But I think I can safely say, that this is […]
Guest Blogger – Genny Tevlin
I have now been volunteering at Project Somos for over a week, and I have learned volumes. Greg and Heather´s vision to enable the family unit to survive through endured hardship is inspiring, and even more so considering what a great success they have had in realizing their vision. I have been occupying myself with […]