At West Point Grey Academy we have a Spanish Club, and this year we have started a new and exciting initiative. We are very excited and proud to launch virtual volunteering with Project Somos. During our club, Spanish students teach students at Proyecto Somos English. We meet every Monday and each week we offer a different lesson, and we also review what we did the previous week. It is a really fun and is an eye-opening experience to teach these children English.
Each week we speak to them, they are happy, excited and ready to learn English, which makes it even more enjoyable to teach students who are so engaged and thrilled to learn. It is so amazing that we are able to connect such vastly different worlds and communicate with each other, even though we are so far away we are able to use our collective knowledge of Spanish to teach them English.
We are so grateful that we can be part of such a fun and helpful initiative that can change these children’s lives.
– Daniella Bawa (Grade 9- November 2018)
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