We are recently back from our annual Spring trek to Canada. We spent two weeks in Vancouver and a week in Calgary.

While there, we had two board meetings, one public presentation, visited and spoke at five schools, had dozens of meetings, ate many amazing meals and drank far too many cups of coffee! Fortunately, we also had time to see family and visit with friends. Our days were long and full.
Here in Guatemala, our days start early and end early. In Canada, we start a little later and go WAY later. Even though we are from Canada and lived there the majority of our lives, it is always such a pleasant surprise to be a part of the long days of sunlight. We are surprised just how energized we feel and how much easier it is to stay up late!

For us it is always really affirming to go back to Canada and to connect with our supporters. I have to say, we have the best donors in the world. We had donors host us. Donors held a barbecue in celebration of our successes. We had donors feed us amazing food and give us delicious wine. We had donors host our public event. We had donors remind us that they have our backs and are there for us. What more could we ask for?
One of the things I love about our supporters is how many of them have come here to Project Somos to see the work being done on the ground. And they don’t just stop there. They pick up hammers, wire houses, sweep till their hands blister, they sand, varnish and paint, they love and play with our kids, they share with and teach our mamas, they cook pancake breakfasts, they bake cookies, they plant gardens, they install internet and they extend loving support to Greg and I. And when they are gone, our kids and mamas continue to talk about them. They look at photos and remember everyone’s name.

When Martyn Joseph was here, Marta (one of our mamas) said to him “I don’t understand why everyone comes here, there really is nothing to admire here.” (which inspired a song which will soon be recorded) Marta is still baffled by the unending love and the attention of all of our supporters. She doesn’t “get” it. Maybe when she does, our work will be done. Maybe when she truly understands that she is someone of value, someone worthy of our love and that of our supporters, we will have succeeded. I truly hope that one day she will get it.

Stay tuned for that day!
Heather Alicia
Dear Heather and Greg,
When you first proposed Project Somos, so many people thought you were dreaming. (I knew different)
When Project Somos became a reality, it gave us a chance to be a part of something incredible. A compassion filled opportunity to share our love, ideas, willingness and our money to a great cause.
When Marta ‘gets us’, and sees that she and all the Mamas and kids are worthy of our love and support,that will be just the begining of our next chapter. The chapter that hopefully will see her paying it forward to other Guatemalans, sharing the joy and the knowledge that she has gleaned from Project Somos.
I look forward to that day, too.
Much love, and gratitude for a place to make a difference.
Tia Gin